January 12, 2011


I wrote the word "CAT" and P said:
C - A - T, that says cat!

I wrote "MOM" and she said:
M - O - M, that says pdfqrst  (approximation)

Me: What does it say? What sound does the M make?

I wrote "HAT" and she said:
I don't know my letters, I go draw now

Silly girl!

January 9, 2011

Chocolate milk

While Kidlet was eating her bedtime snack, I made a glass of chocolate milk. It was a new kind that a dear friend gave me for Christmas. I was on the other side of the room, but she noticed me.

P: What are you doing mom?
Me: Oh, not much sweetie. Would you like some milk?

So I got her milk and ditched the spoon so my glass looked like just milk, too. I took it to daddy to try. He wasn’t thinking too much….

Me: Try this
Daddy: Hey that’s pretty good, it’s kind of like normal chocolate milk, but…..

Error noted. I glance at Kidlet, maybe she didn’t notice.

P: Chocolate milk?
Me: Mommy and daddy are just talking about something, Eat your snack
P: Where’s chocolate milk?
Me: Don’t worry about it sweetie, we’re just talking.
P: ::very seriously. Calm. Slow. Not so much a question, as a statement::::
Mommy, do you have chocolate milk?

D: ::::hysterical:::::
Me: :::turning away laughing::::
P: :::::waiting silently:::::
Me: :::::turn back to P::::::
P: :::::Holds my gaze without a word::::
Me: :::::hands P the cup of chocolate milk:::::

Boy was she ever pleased with herself! 

I don't know

Kidlet this morning was fighting at every turn in the getting ready process. When I finally got her to sit still long enough to comb her hair, we had this discussion:

Me: You know honey, some things just HAVE to be done before we can leave the house. We have to get dressed, brush our teeth and brush our hair.
P: :::big dramatic sigh:::: I don't know
Me: Well I DO know and I'm telling you.
P: I don't want to know

I Need Cake!

We were at the store with my mom and she saw cake mix boxes on the shelf and announced "I NEED CAKE!" My mom, being grandma, could not say no. So into the cart a box of cake went. The next few minutes went something like this:

P: i need cake
P: I need cake
P: I NEED cake
Me: Do you need cake?
P: I guess so

I made her sad

On the way home from grandma’s, kidlet spent the entire ride asking for a piece of candy. It was almost bedtime, so I kept telling her no. 

P: I want a piece in the car
Me: No, you can have some tomorrow
P: I want a piece in the car
Me: You can have a piece in the car tomorrow
P: I want a piece in the car
P: I want a piece in the car
P: I want a piece in the car
P: You make me sad
Me: I’m sorry you’re sad. I don’t like to make you sad.
P: I want a piece in the car
Me: I’m sorry sweetie, the answer is still no
P: You make me sad

Then we pulled into the drive

P: We’re here!
Me: Yay, we’re home!
P: You make me happy!
Me: Oh, I’m glad you’re happy!
P: You made me sad and then you made me happy again!